Menu of Frameworks, Methods, Tools & Modeling (by Eero Hosiaisluoma)
Menu of Frameworks, Methods, Tools & Modeling (by Eero Hosiaisluoma)


This table of terminology is to be updated continuously (now and then). Sorry bout the inconvenience… E.H.

Ability to Executeis just a skill - a competence
Agilecapitalized to indicate the software development philosophy
agileas in business agility
Agile methods
Agile Business Modelingfocusing on fast iterations (Heikkilä).
Agile EA
Agilitystart early, fail fast
Architecture Building block (ABB)EA tason rakenneosa
Bimodalis the practice of managing two separate but coherent styles of work: one focused on predictability; the other on exploration. Mode 1 is optimized for areas that are more predictable and well-understood. It focuses on exploiting what is known, while renovating the legacy environment into a state that is fit for a digital world. Mode 2 is exploratory, experimenting to solve new problems and optimized for areas of uncertainty. These initiatives often begin with a hypothesis that is tested and adapted during a process involving short iterations, potentially adopting a minimum viable product (MVP) approach. Both modes are essential to create substantial value and drive significant organizational change, and neither is static. Marrying a more predictable evolution of products and technologies (Mode 1) with the new and innovative (Mode 2) is the essence of an enterprise bimodal capability. Both play an essential role in the digital transformation. [Gartner]
Bi-modal IT
Body of Knowledge (BoK)is the complete set of concepts, terms and activities that make up a professional domain, as defined by the relevant learned society or professional association. It is a type of knowledge representation by any knowledge organization. [Wikipedia]
Building block
Business Architecture Management
Business Capability
Business Capability ArchitectureA Business Capability is an ability an organisation requires to delivery its Business Model/Strategy. It has become the core method used by Business Architectures to model an organisation, linking strategic outcomes to process, people and IT design. I notice that the world of IT has woken up to Business Capability Architecture and modelling. But I also notice that it is being frequently mis-understood. People are equating Business Capabilities to Activities and comparing it to Component Business Modelling.
Business Development
Business Model (BM) / liiketoimintamalli The business model is like a blueprint for a strategy to be implemented through organization structures, processes, and systems.
related to describing the business logic or operational model of a company (Heikkilä).
BMs are lately acknowledged as instruments for strategy execution (Heikkilä).
Liiketoimintamallin, eli strategian toimeenpanosuunnitelman tai
ansaintalogiikan suunnittelussa hyödynnetään usein graafisia esityksiä,
jotka havainnollistavat kohdealueen kuvaamista. Yhteisen kielen
löytäminen on erityisen tärkeää ottaessa huomioon, että suunnitteluun
voi osallistua useita henkilöitä erilaisista lähtökohdista.
Liiketoimintamallin tarkoitus on kuvata yksinkertaistetulla tavalla todellista liiketoimintaa. Tätä varten on kehitetty erilaisia työkaluja, joista yksi esimerkki on Business Model Canvas. Työkalun käyttö antaa suunnittelutyöhön viitekehyksen ja luo ontologian, jonka avulla liiketoimintaa voidaan konseptoida esimerkiksi olemassa olevan tai uuden hyödykkeen ympärillä.
Business Model Innovation (BMI)
Business Modeling
Business OutcomeDesired result, expectation, the value. What are these actually - especially with EA? An outcome represents an end result that has been achieved [ArchiMate]
Business TransformationLiiketoiminnan rakenteellinen muutos / uudistaminen
Business Value Streamshow how a business creates the value being exchanged between itself and its stakeholders.
CapabilityCapacity (resources) + ability (competence) = Capability. a capacity to do something (e.g. in specific time-frame or in quality and quantity). Not the same as ability. Organization’s capacity to deploy resources. Capability is the smallest unit of the enterprise that can have its own architecture. (Lankhorst). vs Business Capability.
Capability-based Planning (CBP)
Competitive advantage kilpailuetu. is a business concept describing attributes that allow an organization to outperform its competitors. Competitive advantage is a property that a business can have over its competitors. This can be gained by offering clients better and greater value. Michael Porter defined the two types of competitive advantage an organization can achieve relative to its rivals: lower cost or differentiation. [Wikipedia]
Competitive capacity / capability
competitive survival
Complexity Theory
Conceptual Model A model of a subject area or area of knowledge, that represents entities, the relationships among entities, the attributes and, and sometimes rules.
Käsitemalli. Malli, joka määrittelee tarkastelun kohdemaailman tietoelementit ja niiden väliset suhteet (JHS179). Ref. Conceptual Data Model
Contingency TheoryA contingency theory is an organizational theory that claims that there is no best way to organize a corporation, to lead a company, or to make decisions. Instead, the optimal course of action is contingent (dependent) upon the internal and external situation. (Wikipedia). "Situational"
Customer Experience (CX)
Customer centricity
Customer Journey
Customer Journey Mapping (CJM)
Data Managementis an administrative process that includes acquiring, validating, storing, protecting, and processing required data to ensure the accessibility, reliability, and timeliness of the data for its users.
Developmentvs Design / Planning
Designvd Development / Planning
Design Thinking
Digital Transformation
Digitalizationis the use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities; it is the process of moving to a digital business. (Gartner) Digitalisaatio tarkoittaa rakennemuutosta, jossa luodaan uusia toimintatapoja ja uutta lisäarvoa, mitä ei pystyisi ilman sähköisiä ratkaisuja synnyttämään.
DigitizationDigitalisaatio vs digitalisointi / digitointi
DisruptionDisruptiolla tarkoitetaan markkinoilla tapahtuvaa murrosta – häiriötä, hajaannusta tai sekasortoa, jonka jokin uusi innovaatio aiheuttaa. Häiriö, tosin, on mielestäni liian negatiivinen termi tässä yhteydessä käytettäväksi. Poikkeuksetta disruptio parantaa tuottavuutta tai ainakin rahalla saatavaa vastinetta. Oli termi sitten mikä tahansa, oleellista on se, että disruptiivinen innovaatio tai teknologia aiheuttaa markkinoiden uudelleen määrittymisen. []
DomainProblem Domain, Subject Area, kohdealue, sovellusalue
dynamic capabilities viewfocuses more on the issue of competitive survival rather than achievement of sustainable competitive advantage. [Wikipedia]
Enterprise Architecturevs Agile EA
Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM)
Epistemologytietämyksen teoria (Tuomisto)
Frameworkfilosofinen tulkinta maailmasta, joka ohjaa ja rajoittaa "etsintää" (Tuomisto).
GovernHallita, määrätä, säätää, ohjata
Governance is the strategic task of setting the organisation's goals, direction, limitations and accountability frameworks. provide leadership and strategy and must focus on the 'big picture'. / strategic, tactic. Decision making processes in the administration of
an organization. A structure of relationships and processes to direct and control the enterprise in order to achieve the enterprise’s goal.
Governance ModelHallintamalli
Innovationref. Service Innovation
Knowledge intensive services (KIS)In Europe KIS include high-tech services (e.g. R&D, and ICT), market services (e.g., transport, property management, equipment rentals), financial services (e.g., intermediation, insurance), education, health and recreation, both cultural and physical.
ManageJohtaa, hallita
Management is the allocation of resources and overseeing the day-to-day operations of the organisation / operative
MetamodelMetamalli on kaavio, jota käytetään määrittämään notaatiota. (Fowler ym. 2002) vs Conceptual Model / Conceptual Data Model
Methodthe tools, techniques or processes that we use. tarkoittaa menetelmää, tapaa suorittaa määrämuotoisesti askel askeleelta edistyvä toimintoketju, jossa saavutetaan tavoiteltu tehtävä tai päämäärä.
Sana metodi on johdettu kreikan kielen sanasta methodos, joka tarkoittaa sananmukaisesti ”kuljettava tie”.
Etenkin tietoteoriassa keinoja tiedon hankkimiseen ja tutkimusmenetelmiä on nimitetty metodeiksi. (järjestelmällinen) menetelmä.
Säännönmukainen ja suunnitelmallinen tapa ratkaista jokin ongelma, suorittaa jokin tehtävä, antaa opetusta, tehdä tutkimusta yms.
Methodologyexplains why we’re using certain methods or tools. Menetelmäoppi, metodioppi; menetelmien/metodien kokonaisuus.
Viitekehyksen operationalisointi; ohjeet, kuvaukset "etsintää" varten. Jokainen “etsinnän” vaihe tarvitsee selvät metodit ja tekniikat (Tuomisto).
MicroservicesThe idea with microservices is to break the application down into independently deployable services supporting a specific business goal and communicating with other services through a lightweight, well-defined interface. A microservice has a few lines of code which are managed separately from other microservices. An application can have hundreds of microservices.
Minimum Viable Product (MVP)Minimal Viable Product (MVP) product which has just enough features to gather validated learning about the product and its continued development.
MVP is often less expensive than using a product with more features which increase costs and risk in the case where the product fails, for example due to incorrect assumptions.
- MVP vs. PoC
Synonyms: Minimum Viable Solutions, Minimum Viable X (MVX), minimum viable "anything". viable=mahdollinen
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) philosophy evolved, to avoid this “unnecessarily over-thinking and over-preparation” problem which plagued products in all companies. It encouraged building the minimum required at a certain point of time and then iterating and improving it going forward. MVP approach enables much needed fast experimentation, fail fast and invest where needed strategy.
Modus Operandi (MO)on latinaa ja tarkoittaa toiminnan tapaa tai työn tapaa (Wikipedia)
NotationNotaatio tarkoittaa graafista esitystä, jota pidetään mallinnuskielen syntaksina eli lauserakenteen ja sanaston kuvaamisena.
OntologyOntologies are about vocabularies and their meanings, with explicit, expressive and well-defined semantics (Puustjärvi).
Ontologioilla määritellään tietyn aihealueen käsitteistöjä. Usein ne muodostetaan olemassa olevien sanastojen avulla. Ontologioilla määritellään käsitteet ja niiden suhteet.
koneen ja ihmisen tulkittavissa oleva, yhteisesti sovittu, täsmällinen kuvaus sovellus- tai aihealueen käsitteistä ja niiden välisistä suhteista.
Fyysisen ja sosiaalisen maailman perusluonne ja toiminta (Tuomisto).
Operartional Excellenceis an element of organizational leadership that stresses the application of a variety of principles, systems, and tools toward the sustainable improvement of key performance metrics. [Wikipedia]
Operating Model (operaatiomalli)
Operational Devlopmentcontains the organisational development as well complementing with the “hard side” of the operation that means a complexity of strategy, structure, processes, related internal rules and infrastructural conditions.
Kokonaisarkkitehtuuri edesauttaa operatiivisen toiminnan kehittämistä ja lisää organisaation reagointiherkkyyttä muutoksiin
- Kokonaisarkkitehtuuri edesauttaa operatiivisen toiminnan kehittämistä ja lisää organisaation reagointiherkkyyttä muutoksiin.
Kokonaisarkkitehtuuriperusteissa toiminnan kehittämisessä organisaation toiminta kuvataan ja analysoidaan tarkastelemalla organisaation strategia, tavoitteet ja liiketoimintamallit, ja liitetään ne osaksi prosessien, tiedon, tietojärjestelmien ja teknologian muodostamaa kokonaisuutta.
Kokonaisarkkitehtuurin avulla organisaatio saa ymmärrettävän ja käytännönläheisen näkymän nykytilan hahmottamiseen ja tavoitetilan määrittelemiseen toiminnan kehittämisen tueksi.
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Operations ManagementKansainvälisesti tuotantotaloutta vastaa usein ilmaisu Industrial Engineering tai Operations Management
Organizational Excellencerefers to ongoing efforts to establish an internal framework of standards and processes intended to engage and motivate employees to deliver products and services that fulfill customer requirements within business expectations.
Organizational performance
Outcomelopputulos, lopputuote. An outcome represents an end result that has been achieved [ArchiMate].
Outputtuotos, työn tulos
Platform Economy
Platform Business
Portfolio Management
Process DevelopmentProcess Design
Program Management
Project Management
Poroject Portfolio Managementis the way an organisation has structured projects into categories by using an overall process to select, prioritise and manage projects across the organisation. This process is also known as Project Portfolio Management (PPM) .
Quality Function Deployment
ReductionismReduktionismi on filosofinen oppi, jonka mukaan tietty kokonaisuus on palautettavissa eli redusoitavissa osiinsa. []
Resource-based view (RBV)as a basis for the competitive advantage of a firm lies primarily in the application of a bundle of valuable tangible or intangible resources at the firm's disposal [Wikipedia]
Return On Investment (ROI)Gain (benefit) / Cost. A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiency of a number of different investments. ROI measures the amount of return on an investment relative to the investment’s cost. To calculate ROI, the benefit (or return) of an investment is divided by the cost of the investment, and the result is expressed as a percentage or a ratio.
Self-contained System (SCS)approach is an architecture that focuses on a separation of the functionality into many independent systems, making the complete logical system a collaboration of many smaller software systems. This avoids the problem of large monoliths that grow constantly and eventually become unmaintainable. Over the past few years, we have seen its benefits in many mid-sized and large-scale projects.
Microservices are more versatile (monipuolinen) while SCS solve problems specifically with the architecture and organisation of large projects.
The monolith is divided into functions. Like microservices, SCSs are autonomous, replaceable applications, typically web-based. However, an SCS is larger than a microservice and may even contain multiple microservices.
ServiceBiz-, app-, tech- service
IT service (ITIL)
Service Design = Biz service
Service Blueprintis a technique used for service innovation. [ ]
Service Design"Palvelumuotoiu".
Servive Innovation
service integrations
Service Management
IT Service Management (ITSM)
service operations
Service Oriented Logicvs Porduct oriented logic
Shadow IT
SMESmall and medium-sized enterprises
Solution Building block (SBB)EA rakennusosa
Strategyconcerned with the long-term positioning of a company
Strategy Design
Strategy Development
Strategy Execution
Strategy Planning
Sweet spot "“Sweet spot” on paikka, jossa sopiva eri ominaisuuksien yhdistelmä johtaa parhaisiin tuloksiin. "
System Theory
System Thinking
TaxonomyA taxonomy is a way of classifying or categorizing a set of things - specifically, a classification in the form of a hierarchy (a tree structure) (Puustjärvi). Luokittelu
Technical debt "Tekninen velka"
TerminologyVocabulary, Sanasto,
Thesaurusa controlled vocabulary arranged in a known order and structured.
Time to market (TTM)is the length of time it takes from a product being conceived until its being available for sale.
User Experience (UX)
Valuationvaluation is the process of determining the present value (PV) of an asset
ValueA product or service’s capability provided to a customer at the right time, at an appropriate price, as defined in each case by the customer.
Value ChainMichael Porter’s value chain. A Value Chain disaggregates a firm into its strategically relevant activities in order to understand the behavior of costs and the existing and potential sources of differentiation. It enables the firm to gain a competitive advantage by performing these strategic activities more cheaply or better than its competitors. The firm seeks cost leadership or differentiation, but not both. []
Value creationvs Value add
Value StreamA Value Stream is an end-to-end collection of activities that creates a result for a customer (vrt. Process). The value stream has a clear goal: to satisfy or to delight the customer. This is a well known term, familiar to both Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing disciplines. The Enterprise Business Architecture defines the enterprise value streams and their relationships to all external entities, other enterprise value streams, and the events that trigger instantiation. It is a definition of what the enterprise must produce to satisfy its customers, compete in a market, deal with its suppliers, sustain operations, and care for its employees. While this definition has not been formally adopted, it fits well with architectural disciplines. []
Value Sream Mapping (VSM)
Visualization tool
White PaperWhite paper on lähtöisin termistä white book, joka on hallituksen virallinen julkaisu [Wikipedia]. White paper tyypillisesti käsittelee tiettyä kantaa tai ratkaisua ongelmaan. Vaikka white paper -termin takana on valtionpolitiikka ja sen viralliset elimet, on siitä tullut yleinen työkalu myös liike-elämän keksintöjen ja tuotteiden esittelyyn. White paper on (voimakas) markkinointiväline.